Larry Bilotta

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Larry Bilotta

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  • What To Do When Your Spouse Has Told You, “I’m Not In Love With You Anymore”
broken heart

Has your spouse uttered those dreaded words…“I’m not in love with you anymore”?

Or maybe what you heard was… “I’m not in love with you anymore and I want a divorce.”

You might have been shocked at first, but then noticed anger and resentment quickly took over.

You’ve reached a fork in the road.

On one hand, in an effort to stop the fighting and pain, you could get a divorce, try to pick up the pieces of your life and start over again.

Neither path is easy.

Divorce is NOT your only option

To make this marriage work, you need to be 100% committed.

Now I know you may be thinking it’s too late because your spouse told you they love you, but they’re not in love with you anymore.

Believe it or not, those words are *NOT* a deal breaker.

What this really means is that your spouse’s needs are no longer being met by you.

So what now?

It doesn’t matter if YOU are the only one who is committed to saving your marriage.

It only takes ONE to heal a relationship

Yep, it’s true.

I’ve seen it happen in the individuals I work with every day.

But that’s not the only proof.

I personally saved my own marriage without any participation from my wife.

And you can start by learning the foundation of breaking free from your negative thoughts through this ebook. It’s a quick read but it’s impacted thousands in a big way.

Over the years I’ve received hundreds of emails from men and women who have shifted their perspective as a result of the ebook and they are seeing positive results in their life because of it.

I found the entire course valuable.It was the one thing that actually changed me completely…and only for the best.

I feel much better about myself than I ever did before. Also my relationships with everybody improved, not only with my husband, but with friends, relatives and family.

Because I have changed my way of behaving, the others changed their ways towards me too

I can see the biggest result with my husband

He loves talking with me now, we don’t fight anymore (yes we still argue but it does not end in a fight anymore, just a discussion that we get through very fast and after that we don’t stay angry like we did before.

He is now proud of me. It used to be that when we met people, he introduced me as Kathleen. He did not mention that I was his wife. Now he comes to get me to meet people and the first thing he says is: “This is my wife, my everything, I want you to meet her.

He helps me where he can and he does his best to make me happy. I also found him very often looking at me with this loving glow in his eyes. And all this began when I was following this mini-course

It totally changed me and because of that it changed my life and my relationship. I feel like I came home after a long hard trip.”

-Kathleen Wallraf

“Thank you so much for this wonderful little ebook. I am feeling good already and hope to get back a normal life for myself and my family soon. The idea that I found most helpful is the ‘practical turnaround’ point where I need to stop the urge to go in the same negative pattern when something bad happens to me but in order to effectively beat my amygdala, start reliving a pleasant memory to erase the negative pictures in my ITV. I believe it gets better with consistent practice.

Pema – India

Learn The Law of Attraction

You can learn all about it in the movie “The Secret” which you can watch online at the official Secret web site.

One woman reported the following results back to me after she watched The Secret.

“The Secret” is powerful. After absorbing the idea, I wrote down my list of “images to imagine” and “what I wanted to achieve”. That happened about 5 months ago.

I wrote: “I want my husband back” and “I want to go home” and “I want my son to return home from the Middle East soon and safely”. I put my list in my cosmetic bag in my hotel room, I didn’t really look at it every day, I just knew it was there everyday.

There were 6 desires on that list and as of last Tuesday evening 5 of those things have come about. I was actually surprised when I pulled the list out the other night (at home and not in a hotel room) and discovered that 5 of the 6 had come to fruition.

First, my son came home a full 4 months sooner than he expected… he returned ON my birthday. The other 4 had to do with my husband and they have all happened….”

– D. Kennedy

99% of married couples make one fatal mistake after they reach that earth-shattering moment in their marriage when their spouse tells them “I’m not in love with you anymore.”

It’s simply this.

Instead of trying to find the reason for your spouse’s discontentment, you decide to make your spouse feel GUILTY for tearing apart the family.

Why would you do such a thing?

The truth is, we all say hurtful things that we end up regretting in the long run simply because we don’t how to control our negative feelings.

Now Picture This…

For the past few months, your marriage has had its ups and downs and you realize something needs to be done, but you figure you’ve got plenty of time to figure something out.

Then one day after a heated argument your spouse shouts out, “I don’t love you anymore, I never really did…in fact, I’ve been seeing someone and I want a divorce!”

Your initial response might be shock, quickly followed by a rush of anger and resentment.

Your mind immediately fills up with images of your once, “true love” now showing interest in some other man or woman at work.

You might become SO furious that you lose complete control of your emotions…and just EXPLODE.

Now here’s what’s really happening…

Losing complete control and releasing your anger may temporarily make YOU feel better, but every time you explode like this, you are driving your spouse further and further away from you…and that’s the ABSOLUTE WORST thing you can do at this point in your marriage.


How do you stop your negative feelings from sabotaging your marriage?

By changing the picture or image in your imagination.

Because that’s what we’re REALLY talking about here.

There are negative pictures in your imagination that instantly create very negative feelings.

It is these pictures that make you feel bad, NOT the event taking place.

And I know you’re probably thinking, “No Larry, it’s not MY imagination; it’s my spouse’s fault! They made me feel this way!”

If this is the case, then I guess you are just a slave to your circumstances.

I hate to say it, but it’s true.

If you are going to let your emotions carry you up and down like a roller coaster, then you are setting yourself up for a very unhappy life.

I bet you didn’t know that you can change the way you react to the events, or things that happen in your life. And I’m willing to bet that even if you have heard this before, you didn’t believe it was possible.

Just think about this for a minute.

If in the heat of the moment, instead of letting your mind go crazy thinking about how much you despise your spouse, imagine how good you would feel if you could just block out that bad picture or image, and replace it with a good one instead?

Let me explain in a nutshell exactly where bad feelings come from…

When something bad happens in your life, like for instance, your spouse tells you ” I’m not in love with you anymore”, a little organ in your brain becomes alarmed.

This little organ is called the amygdala.

It is an almond shaped organ in your brain that INSTANTLY reacts to both negative and positive events that happen in your life. Your amygdala uses your memory to find an event from the past to compare this immediate event to.

If it DOES find a bad memory, the amygdala connects the current event…to that bad memory!

For example: You might have witnessed this phenomena during an argument with your spouse.

Let’s say this is your second marriage. In your first marriage, one of your biggest “pet peeves” was that your spouse simply would not accept what you were saying as a fact…no matter what it was.

They would second guess you, yet take anyone else’s words as gospel. This absolutely drove you up the wall!

Now in your current marriage, although this is not a “hot button issue” that frequently causes arguments in your marriage, the moment your spouse second guesses you – you completely LOSE IT.

Why? Simply because your amygdala instantly scanned your bad memories from your previous marriage and connected that bad memory to this current event.

(Your current spouse second guessing you.)

The moral of the story? 

In this scenario, your spouse did not intentionally do anything to upset you.

But because your amygdala jumped the gun and made you see this as a BAD event, this event was escalated into an argument that could have been avoided if you knew how to control your negative feelings.

In situations like this, your imagination fills with bad pictures of that old memory and makes you feel as if it the current event is happening all over again!

It is actually the good or bad pictures in your imagination that make you feel a certain way – not the event itself.

Your nervous system is making you feel bad…not your spouse.

And when you feel bad, you have a bad attitude, or in this case…a terrible temper which then leads to an explosive argument with your spouse.

Intrigued? Check out the ebook on how to free yourself from negative thoughts.

  • JoAnn Griggs says:

    Larry, HELP! My husband walked out on November 26. I have been following your program. I’ve had very little contact with him. I have not called, text, nor begged him. However, he has sent me a text today saying “I know we haven’t talked much but I would like to come by and bring some Christmas presents from my parents and talk about some things”. Any suggestions of what is happening and how to handle this?

  • Do not assume that you know what your spouse is thinking or feeling about the cancer, or that you know what he or she needs from you. You might think your spouse is mostly scared, when actually he or she feels more sad or perhaps guilty about the consequences of the cancer for you. You might think that your spouse is strong and resilient, when actually he or she feels vulnerable and dependent on you, but may not want to let you know that. You might think that your loved one wants you to offer encouragement and hope, when actually he or she just wants you to say “I’m with you in what you are feeling, and we’ll face this together no matter what happens.”

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