What Causes Midlife Crisis? The Real Origin [EXPLAINED]

by | Midlife Crisis | 2 comments

You might be wondering, what causes midlife crisis?  Was it something you did? Maybe hormones…just a rough patch?

Some people see midlife crisis as trivial or something that doesn’t exist. A middle-aged man driving a red sports car might come to mind when the term midlife crisis comes to mind.

You’ve heard the saying the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, right? From words and tone of voice to attitude and gestures – both good and bad messages are passed from biological parent to child.

These messages are “installed” in a child’s subconscious mind early in life and they last a lifetime.

What does this have to do with midlife crisis?  Everything.

Painful Messages & Midlife Crisis

Abandonment, abuse, and neglect during the first 10 years of childhood is one of the most common origins of midlife crisis. Why 10 years? Because brain science has established that the brain’s neuron network is formed during the first 10 years of life.

Let’s imagine that your father had an angry father (your grandfather), who would blow up in a rage at the smallest things.  Your grandfather put anger messages into your father’s subconscious mind.

In this scenario, your father would likely treat you the same way – that is – unless he was a “bucker” who resisted his father’s messages.

Now fast-forward to adulthood.

These messages “turn on” at a time when you’re vulnerable to them, usually between age 35 to 45. (For some, it’s earlier or later in life.)

The moment your father’s “program” turns on, you’re completely unaware of it.  You are literally “possessed” by the instructions he put in your brain.

Are you aware at that moment?  Probably not. Will you be sorry later?  Most are.  The word “possessed” is appropriate because possessed means “to fall under the control of an emotional response or reaction”.

When you’re possessed during moments of weakness, you are taken over by your most unproductive mother program or father program.

How Childhood Shapes Us

Part of that program is how you see yourself in the world – your self-image.  If mom and dad had a poor self-image, it would be rare for their child to have a healthy self-image unless they had an alternative healthy role model guiding them through life such as a coach, grandparent, etc.  That, or if they were a bucker and consciously rejected their parent’s ways of life and paved their own way.

But most people are not buckers.  Most children end up acting and living like mom and dad.  They become what mom and dad became as adults.

Although mothers focus more on emotions, they create social skills while fathers create emotional security.

Modern-day culture puts a big burden on mothers to be the emotional foundation for children and if the kids turn out troubled, we tend to look at the mother with fault.  Society then limits fathers to merely being money makers and skill teachers, but this is incorrect.

If you were supported and believed in by your father during your childhood, as an adult today, you have a great feeling about yourself and see life in a positive light. You’re emotionally secure, flexible, and don’t fall apart in the face of criticism. In other words, you have a good self-image.

Now let’s assume you received negative messages in your childhood years. As an adult, you would struggle to live the life you want. Why? Because your subconscious mind tells you the messages are true, and they are your “instruction manual” on how to live life.

What causes midlife crisis is the trauma you or your spouse received as a kid.

A midlife crisis IS the result of childhood chaos because troubled childhoods lead to troubled marriages.

There are very few rare exceptions to this rule. When you look to a Chaos Kid’s childhood, you’ll inevitably find some type of incident or influential adult that triggered this midlife transformation.

Midlife Crisis Triggers

In a midlife crisis, these subconscious messages are triggered by major events such as a big move to a distant place, the death of a mother or father, the loss of financial security, a child who moves away to college or a serious illness.

During this troubling time, your spouse or partner is in effect “pushed” by a wave of emotions that they can’t control. These subconscious messages are HIGHLY emotional, and come NOT as words, but as urges, needs, and longings.

IMPORTANT: realize your spouse will not know, acknowledge, or accept the source of those feelings – even if you point it out!

Those urges, needs and longings cannot be remembered but they are often described as a need to “find myself, find happiness or start living my life”.

Midlife crisis behavior is highly erratic compared to your spouse’s behavior during your younger years together.  It appears as a need to feel younger, prettier, more attractive, more talented, more fun, and more appealing…especially to the opposite sex.

What Creates Chaos Kids?

While most midlife crisis cases can be traced back to obvious childhood abandonment, abuse, or neglect, there are situations where the child’s discontentment was more…subtle.

If you fall into this category, you might be thinking, “I know my spouse’s entire family and there was NO chaos whatsoever in their home.”

But here’s what you don’t know.

And it’s more important than little stories you’ve heard here and there or what you personally know about the family as an outsider. Your spouse’s PERCEPTION IS their reality.

Think of it this way.

As a child, we are awake about 16 hours a day during our first 10 years. Like a sponge, we’re absorbing messages from our mother and father for about 53,000 hours.

During those 53,000 hours, as a child, we don’t have a way to debate, disagree, reinterpret, or somehow change the messages they give us.  They just pour in and stored in our subconscious mind. And we accepted them as our own.

These messages could be kind and supportive:

“You’re the greatest daughter a dad could have.” or “No matter what you do, I will always love you.” or “No matter how many times you fail, get up and try again.”

Or they can be painful and toxic:

“Are you so stupid that you can’t figure it out on your own?” or “Don’t be so selfish!” or “You’re just as pathetic as your damn father!”

But sometimes, it’s not that obvious.

If your partner is a sensitive person, they could have grown up in a home where their father or mother were perceived as insensitive.

The Black Sheep

You know the story of a black sheep, right?

In a seemingly normal family of 4, one child in particular feels, well…different. They might have felt unheard, rejected, or that one parent was indifferent to their feelings.

From the outside – they were a perfect family with well-adjusted children. But behind closed doors, your partner’s perception might be a whole different story. When a child needs their father’s sensitivity, but didn’t get it, this alone can create chaos.

The Princess

Let’s look at another scenario. I call it “the princess”.

As odd as it might sound, some women are groomed to become a “princess” at an early age.

For men, the scenario looks like this: Your wife was put on a pedestal. She got everything and anything she wanted as a girl AND as an adult – to the point that she now feels entitled to anything she wants – especially from you!

“My father would always…(fill in the blank), why can’t you?!”

A constant comparison to her father along with some very unrealistic expectations can leave you feeling like the walls are closing in.

Now I realize this doesn’t sound like a “bad childhood”. But here’s the problem.

Children can’t handle being put on a pedestal.

The father (or mother) was getting an emotional need met by making their daughter princess material. They glorified her and she became what they wanted her to be.

Children sense they don’t like it, or don’t deserve it. They notice other kids don’t get the same treatment. It’s a sense of being treated unfairly because they are “special”, though inside they don’t feel that way. They sense there is something wrong because they are different.

As a man, your “princess wife” has massive needs and expectations. She feels guilt, yet she is arrogant and sensitive.

Though completely different scenarios, the princess childhood and the “black box” childhood can each create similar midlife crisis outcomes as an adult.

Black Box Childhood

Has your husband or wife ever said, “I don’t remember my childhood”?

What this means, is that they have many painful memories that were suppressed and can’t be easily remembered. This is a form of protection by the subconscious mind so they can function in what appears to be a normal life.

Chaos Kids don’t often talk about childhood. In fact, they play it down a great deal.

Back when you were dating, it would be likely that your spouse avoided the topic of childhood or mentioned it only briefly as a negative reference.

Eventually, you may have sensed this was an “off limits” topic and did not bring it up again…until now. If this sounds familiar, chances are good that your spouse experienced some type of trauma during childhood that they either doesn’t remember – or don’t want to discuss.

The world looks at a family from the outside and judges by appearances – which are most likely WRONG. There are many things that shape us as children in a good OR bad way.

Grandparents, teachers, mentors, coaches, siblings, friends, the list goes on and on. Since perception is governed by emotions and no two people are the same, we are always going to view things differently.  The only way to know the truth is through the individual.

After all – their perception IS their reality.

Heal Yourself, Heal Your Marriage

Is your husband or wife going through a midlife crisis? Are you wondering if there is still hope for your marriage?

Book a call with me to find out if my approach will work for your marriage.


What age do men and women go through a midlife crisis?

Not all men and women experience a midlife crisis, but those who do, typically enter the midlife crisis between ages 35-45. If severe abandonment, abuse and neglect occurred during childhood and they endured a traumatic event as an adult, midlife crisis can occur earlier or later in life.

How long does a midlife crisis last?

A midlife crisis typically lasts between 2-5 years if you do nothing at all. For women, the time frame ranges between 2-5 years, whereas for men, it can last from 2-7 years.

Why longer for men? The reason for this is because men can be generally more resistant to learning from mistakes, so realizations can take a bit longer.

Learn more about when a midlife crisis will end in this video.

Can you help a spouse overcome a midlife crisis?

Is your husband or wife experiencing a midlife crisis? Many couples go through this, but there is hope! Discover midlife crisis tools and strategies to navigate this challenge and come out stronger in the end. Learn how to recognize your partner’s needs and support them through change. Reconnect and rebuild a stronger, more fulfilling marriage.

What are the signs and symptoms of a midlife crisis?

Since midlife crisis begins with a chaotic childhood, there are five rules that summarize the signs of midlife crisis in a man or woman.

  • Their needs are more important than your needs.
  • They sell themselves as somebody they’re not.
  • Any good thing you do or say they see as a threat.
  • They want what they can’t have and what they have, they don’t want.
  • They say what they don’t mean, and what they mean, they don’t say.

These behaviors can be very disorienting, but if you know what to expect, it can put you at ease knowing this won’t last forever…

Additional signs might be:

  • Dramatic change in personality
  • Sudden interest in improving appearance
  • Having an affair
  • Staying out late at bars
  • Hanging around with newly divorced friends
  • A strong urge to “find themself”
  • Serious hostility toward you
  • Blames you for everything
  • Running away
  • Lost their ability to be a good parent


A spouse in midlife crisis and you’re not ready to give up hope just yet, book a call if you want to:

  • Learn to attract your spouse like no one else can
  • Turn yourself into the most desirable man or woman in your spouse’s eyes
  • Get rid of the bad feelings between you and your spouse

The cause of your spouse’s midlife crisis didn’t start with you, but this is your journey and you can take charge of it and create a life filled with happiness – regardless of what is happening around you.

Suffering is ultimately a choice. Remain paralyzed by fear – or take action now.


  1. Larry

    Not sure because of age.

    My husband married 12 yrs and together 17 yrs.
    Infidelity bomb after I seen many emails, pictures and porn sites.

    Confronted his mistress in Jamaica in December 2023.

    He continued lying she told me the truth ? ( I hope)

    He has had numerous sex workers.

    Flew in and out – vrbo – wine and dine.

    Other countries / local.

    Many bills from this.

    He is seeing one of the sex workers – 73 yrs old and she is 33.

    The affair started over 18 mths ago I think.

    Loves her like no other.

    He has been sending gifts and monies all the time.

    I believe he relocated her close by.

    She is a drug and alcohol abuser.

    Has had child trauma.

    She now works at his company.

    A non profit for drug and addiction. Crazy I know.

    He says he will divorce me if I make him fire her or stop there now platonic relationship.

    If I tell the CEO he will never speak with me I will get nothing and divorced.

    Claims from both therapist that he is no longer seeing Jess – stopped all the others.

    Over for 6 mths but are still really good friends.

    She ended it – they still talk at least 10 times a day.

    She doesn’t love him / he still loves her.

    I have a prenup and no money.

    Claims he will take care of me because I was only woman who never asked him for anything and loved him unconditionally.

    Says Not my fault he blames himself.

    First dating gave him my own money. I had no idea he had money.

    Single mom with 7 yr old.

    Says He doesn’t want a divorce.

    He went to counseling with 2 therapist and reached his inner self.

    Psychology Today flew in 4 days said he had a psychotic break. I think later in life mid Life Crisis.

    Only reason I am not leaving him.

    “Sickness and in health”

    Came to the conclusion he never loved me ever.

    They felt he should leave me and start over so he said.

    4 mths later. – claims he needs to work on himself give me an answer on how he wants to move forward.

    Meanwhile 12 days trip to Europe ( London, Spain and Rome). All for recovery – Rome Consensus.

    Now claims he loves me as a friend but needs time to heal from therapy.

    He came home and hasn’t done any work on himself.

    His non profit consumes him.

    He Doesn’t get paid and doesn’t need money.

    All non profit.

    Says he never had happiness his whole life despite all his accomplishments!

    He said Not sure if he loves himself so how can he love me but does love his platonic partner.

    Wrote a letter to his 2 trustees and our workers why?

    Wants me to be there for him 2 to 3 weeks out of mth. ( since changed his mind on that as well as of today)

    He still will not get rid of her so I told him no contact with me until he does.

    I do the finances so he will need to contact me for that.

    He is over 38 yrs in recovery from drugs and alcohol and now should be in recovery for many other addictions.

    He had purchased clothes he would never wear – exercise excessively – ex: 100 bottles of sinex. Buys in large quantities everything he buys.

    Expensive clothing – he would never buy a custom jacket. He always wore pants that were cotton. Khakis now wearing clothes for generation z. Also shoes.

    Took me 12 days non stop to clean just great room and our room and his bathroom. He was a neat freak. Didn’t dare l ave a dish in the sink overnight.

    Eats chocolate and sweets before bed. – never before this.

    I returned to a home that has 4 people that work for us. ( live in guest house ) to my house looking like a tornado went through it.

    Everything was meticulous.!!

    No longer. Had to throw his toothbrush away so grungy.

    Had secret accounts.

    Feeding my dogs at least 2 lbs of Boars Head ham and provolone cheese daily.

    I believe was well over 3 years of charges on my credit cards paid by trust.

    His trustees just bail him out – long time friends.

    Changed all passwords on email etc.

    There are numerous Porn sites and hook up sites. – I no longer have passwords to his email accounts and he has many secret account.
    As well as disappearing emails and what’s app.

    Owns 501 C for addictions.

    How crazy is that.

    She works there as he gave her a job.

    Has told her he will change will to reflect she will get his company.

    He said he is now going to tell me truth and he has stopped all the woman ( except platonic relationships).

    All lies I can tell.

    I signed a prenup in Jamaica when my husband and his trustees gave it to me days b4 my wedding.

    My friend who stood up for me said that it could be deemed as signing under duress the attorney said it is concrete.

    Where I was at –

    I got an auto immune disease – licheon planus and bechets.

    Sores all over my body as well as mouth – I couldn’t brush or eat for 8 mths all
    During COVID.

    Couldn’t see specialist

    Rick said we should purchase a house in Florida for winter mths. For my RA – I had no idea about affair.

    Assume house bought so he could have affairs without getting caught.

    Day of closing of FL house. I had a fire in house in NC house

    Closed on house in FL
    Then had Hurricane and fire in fl. Been there over yr.

    House to studs.
    Need to get attorney.

    Says he doesn’t want divorce we can have seperate lives.

    Still Loves
    One of his sex worker he put in his company and promised her company when he dies.

    I never read my prenup but I can get a copy from home office.

    He would find out.
    It is all a blur.

    2-19-2012 marriage.

    This is not the man I married. What happened to my caring, trusting husband?

    He told me he would never cheat we made an agreement before we married we would walk away before this would happen.

    Can you have a midlife crisis at 73 after getting sepsis and almost dying.

    He was in a wheelchair and I had to administer IV 5 times a day for 8 mths.

    I have since given this to god/jesus Holy Spirit and don’t know what else to do.

    He says give him another month but I just texted him I’m Done!

    We talk at least 15 times a day if not more.

    Do I move on ? he says it’s ok if I date other people – Just wants me to be happy.

    I can’t sleep and constant worry about my future with him.

    He was my rock and I still love him but
    Will this ever end??

    • Val,

      Thanks for reaching out about your husband’s struggles.

      Addiction, whether to pornography, drugs, or anything else, can be a powerful force. When someone is addicted, their brain chemistry changes, creating cravings that can be hard to resist.

      My Environment Changer course focuses on the idea that we are more than just our physical bodies. It highlights that our hopes, dreams, and personality are invisible, yet core parts of who we are. Similarly, addiction is an invisible force that can feel separate from our true selves.

      Science shows that addiction involves changes in brain chemistry, but it can also be fueled by negative thoughts and feelings. The course helps people learn to manage these internal factors, which can reduce cravings.

      Willpower alone is often not enough to overcome addiction. However, there is hope! By understanding the invisible aspects of addiction, you can better support your husband.

      The severity of addiction can be linked to childhood experiences. Greater past abuse or neglect can make cravings stronger.

      Imagination plays a crucial role. Our beliefs, shaped by imagination, influence our thoughts and actions. While your husband may not be open to my Environment Changer program right now, there are ways you can still help.

      Many spouses in your situation find success by focusing on their own growth. My program teaches how healing yourself can contribute to healing the marriage.

      If this approach resonates with you, I’d be happy to chat more. You can schedule a free call here.

      – Larry


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